There are numerous accounts of miraculous healing and restorations in the Bible, but the incident of the man at the Bethesda pool is among the most motivating.
This man waited for someone to assist him into the water so that the water could heal him for 38 years while he lay paralyzed by the pool of Bethesda.
But one day, everything changed. “Do you want to be healed?” Jesus questioned as soon as he spotted the man lying there. The man responded positively, and Jesus completely changed his life with only a few simple words.
In this article, we will explore the man’s incredible journey at the pool of Bethesda, from despair and hopelessness to healing and redemption.
Read to the end to discover the power of faith, the importance of perseverance, and the transformative love of Jesus Christ’s works.
At the end of this article, you will understand how to apply lessons from the man at the pool of Bethesda’s story to your life.
Understanding the setting of the pool of Bethesda
The pool of Bethesda was located in Jerusalem, near the Sheep Gate. It was a large pool, surrounded by five covered colonnades or porches, which provided shade for those who gathered there.
The name Bethesda means “house of compassion” or “house of grace.”. It was believed that an angel would appear and stir the waters of the pool, and whoever stepped in first would be healed of their Afflictions and disease.
The pool was a place of great hope and desperation, as many people with various illnesses, disabilities, and injuries would come to wait for the angel to stir the waters.
People believed whoever got into the pool first would be healed of their afflictions.
Unfortunately, many individuals would never get the chance to enter the water since the pool was so crowded, and their hopes would be shattered.
It is in this setting that we find the man who had been paralyzed for 38 years. He had likely been coming to the pool for many years, hoping for healing but never experiencing it.
Being dependent on others for his daily needs and feeling like a burden to people around him would have been a challenging and demoralizing existence.
Why Was The man lying there , At The Pool Of Bethesda
The man at the pool of Bethesda was lying there because he had been paralyzed for 38 years.
In ancient times, people with disabilities like paralysis were often viewed as outcasts or cursed by God. They were seen as a burden on society and were often left to beg for their survival.
The man at the pool of Bethesda was likely in a similar situation.
Due to his condition, the man could not conduct daily duties independently; instead, he required assistance from others.
Despite his difficult circumstances, the man had not given up hope.
He was confident that he would be made whole if he could enter the waters of the Pool of Bethesda, which were said to have healing powers.
He was willing to wait there day after day, year after year, hoping to get a chance to be healed.
How Jesus saw the man and asked him if he wanted to be healed
On a faithful day, Jesus spotted the man lying by the pool and realized he had been there for a while.
Do you want to be healed? Jesus inquired of the man as he walked up to him. (John 5:6).
The man initially misunderstood what Jesus was asking. As the water in the pool was shaken, he responded that he had nobody to help him get in.
He didn’t know that Jesus had given him something much more important because he was so focused on being healed by the pool.
Jesus persisted, however, and told the man to “Get up, pick up your mat, and walk” (John 5:8). With those words, the man’s life was transformed.
For the first time in 38 years, the man at the pool of Bethesda could stand up and walk by himself.
It’s important to remember that Jesus healed the man’s physical body and soul.
By offering him healing and asking him if he wanted it, Jesus showed the man that he was valued and loved. He gave the man a sense of purpose and dignity that he may have lacked.
This encounter between Jesus and the man at the pool of Bethesda reminds us that healing is not just about fixing physical ailments; it’s also about addressing the more profound spiritual needs that we all have.
The significance of the man’s response to Jesus Christ
The way the lame man responded to Jesus’ question, “Do you want to be healed?” is what we as Christians should learn from when faced with trials. At first, he doesn’t seem to understand the gravity of Jesus’ healing offer.
The man responded by telling Jesus that he has no one to help him into the pool when the water is stirred up, implying that the lame man at the pool of Bethesda believes that the pool is the only way he can be healed.
Irrespective of the man’s response, Jesus did not give up on him. He tells the man to “Get up, pick up your mat, and walk” (John 5:8).
This is when the man’s response becomes significant. Instead of doubting or questioning Jesus’ words, the man immediately obeys everything Jesus tells him to do.
The man gets up, picks up his mat as instructed by Jesus, and begins to walk. This response shows that the man had faith in Jesus and his ability to heal him.
Even though he had never met Jesus Christ and had no reason to think that he could heal him, the man made the choice to believe in him and obey every directive given to him by Jesus.
The lame man’s response is a powerful demonstration of the transformative power of faith. This is why the lame man’s response is very significant because it shows that he was willing to take action in response to Jesus’ words.
The lame man did not just sit there and wait for something to happen; he actively participated in his healing by getting up and walking.
This is an important reminder that we can’t always wait for healing; sometimes, we must take action and change our lives to experience healing and transformation.
The man’s response is a powerful example of faith and action. It reminds us that even in our challenging times, we can choose to trust in God and take steps toward healing and deliverance.
The reaction of the Pharisees to the man’s healing
The Pharisees were immediately upset when they saw the man walking with his mat. They accused him of breaking the Sabbath law by carrying his mat on a holy day.
They were so focused on the man’s supposed violation of the Sabbath law that they completely overlooked the miraculous healing that had taken place.
Their response highlights the legalistic and narrow-minded approach they took to their faith.
Instead of appreciating God’s power and love as displayed directly before them, they focused more on sticking to their understanding of the law.
Instead of celebrating man’s healing and marveling at the work of God, they were quick to criticize and condemn.
Moreover, their response shows how threatened they were by Jesus’ ministry.
- They saw the healed man as a threat to their authority and understanding of the law.
- They were unwilling to recognize the good that Jesus was doing because it challenged their worldview and their place in society.
Ultimately, the Pharisees’ response to the man’s healing reveals the dangers of legalism and the importance of being open to the transformative power of God’s love.
Legalism can make us oblivious to God’s work and keep us from fully experiencing his grace.
We must set aside our previous beliefs and allow God to work in our hearts.
Lessons from the man at the pool of Bethesda
- The story serves as a reminder that everyone who seeks God’s love and healing power can find it. We shouldn’t lose faith in the transforming power of God’s love since He always acts in the proper timing.
- The story points out the importance of having trust in Jesus Christ. The man at the pool of Bethesda had faith that Jesus could heal him, and it was because of this faith he could encounter the transforming force of God’s love. This story teaches us to believe in Jesus’ ability to change our lives.
- We should not be too focused on the rules and regulations of our faith as Christians. This can make us miss the transformative power of God’s Love.
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